Saturday, May 25, 2013

Because I can't hug everyone thank you...

THANK YOU!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who contributed to our trip or has prayed for us! We have raised over our goal amount, which is amazing because now we can help meet needs there!! 

I want to thank each and everyone of you! You have helped to make this trip possible for us! I am forever grateful and so amazed. To all of the people who donated to us on indiegogo, you all rock too! Special shoutout to Patricia Carter! :)

Quick little updates:
*We will be seeing our little world vision girl, Lwandile*

*It doesn't look like I will be able to write anything here for the first part of the trip, but hopefully the second part*

***2 weeks and 5 days until we are in Africa***

Thank YOU! You have encouraged us so much, and have made this possible for us!

Lots o' love
amy xoxo