We have been in Swaziland for around a week! It has been a wonderful week for me, full of emotions, a happy heart, frustration, and love. Since Monday, we have been spending our days at the care points.
Each day we spend time teaching a bible story, helping where needed, and lots and lots of time loving and playing with the children. At around 3 or so, we head out for a home visit. For this, we head out in groups of 3 or 4 and head to a home that the go-gos (grandmothers who volunteer at the carepoint) think could use some encouragement. In this culture, it is a normal thing to show up at houses and talk to the people. We try and ask them about themselves and their lives, and then read them some bible verses to encourage, and pray for them. I can’t really put my thoughts into words right now, but these home visits have touched my heart so deeply. So often we hear about the need and about the people. But to meet these people & see their tears as they tell us about their needs is so different. To hear them talk about how they don’t have enough food, and see tears rolling down their faces, touches you on the deepest of levels. I am convicted as I think about how much food is sitting in my kitchen in home. I want to do something, I need to do something. Im just not sure what yet.
My heart is so happy and so content here. I am frustrated and overwhelmed with emotions & yet I am at peace. In the bus on our way from Jo-burg to Manzini, I heard God say in my heart this, “You will love these children, and you will not even be able to help it, because I have instilled this love in you.” It is so so so visible to me that God has been preparing my heart for all that he is doing long before I set foot on this country. I would not have been ready a year ago, nor would I have had the desire to even be here.
I am learning so much & seeing so much every day. To be able to hold a child that is so hungry for love is such an amazing & beautiful thing. It is so apparent that these children want love & are so hungry for it. Children are extremely eager to be touching some part of your hand or arm at all times. They rub your hand against their face, desperate for skin to skin. It breaks my heart.
I am seeing such a disconnect in what the bible teaches and what we actually are doing as Americans. It is disappointing & frustrating. I don’t know much of what I think right now, but I know that I need to spend my life doing what God has commanded us to do. To be putting what God has commanded us to do into action here feels so right.
To be on the continent where God has given me so many promises is so amazing. My heart is so full. It just feels right. Thank you to all of you for giving me the opportunity to be here. I am so thankful for all of your prayers too.
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