Saturday, June 29, 2013


hunger. we hear about it all the time. but it’s hard to imagine with a full belly & and an abundance of food around you. it’s hard to imagine when you have never truly been without food.

we raise money to help the hungry. you throw in a $5 from your wallet out of obligation. in most of america, we eat 3 meals a day. and if you do struggle with money, there are lots of organizations that will help you. or you get help from the government. 

but there are places of the world where hunger is real & people are forgotten. they starve to death. death. while we have an abundance of food. why is this, when it does not have to be?  i promised myself that i would not blame america. but it doesn’t make sense to me how we can go on with so much abundance while people are starving. 

today we met a couple with four children. the parents that you see in the picture, had not eaten for 3 days. the four children go to school, and thank god, get a meal there. so five days a week they get one meal. 

in a week, those children eat 5 meals while i eat 21. that number convicts me & makes me want to fight for these voiceless people. 

the husband has very bad back pain, & he has the smallest legs i have ever seen. he was obviously in so much pain. because of his severe back pain, he cannot work. the wife cannot work because she constantly has to be by his side. 

because of the generosity of the people who funded our trip, we had some more extra money to deliver food to a family or anything else that Erica saw needed to be done. she decided that we should go & deliver food to this family. 

it was a long ride out there & they were way out in the rural part of Nsoko. if we hadn’t been sent to feed them, i don’t know if they would have gotten food for a long time.  for under $50 we were able to provide them with food for around a month. 

we were told after that a cow could provide for this family for life. life. and get this, a cow costs $400. 

it amazes me how little can do sooo much.

it pains me that though we could take care of them today, there’s no telling if anyone will take care of them & feed them next month.  

if anyone will remember to feed them.

this is when trust steps in. trust that God will take care of them. he does not tell us to save the world. i have a hard time with this because i want to save the world, i want to rid our world of all hunger. but he tells us to take care of the need put in front of us & trust him with the rest. 

i just feel so privileged that he used us to feed them today.

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